An attempt is currently being made to hijack Senate Bill 357 with an anti-gun floor amendment offered by Senator Martha Hennessey (D-5). The New Hampshire state Senate Education Committee will be considering SB 357 on Tuesday, March 13th. Please contact committee members and urge them to OPPOSE Sen. Hennessey’s floor amendment to SB 357. Click the “Take Action” button below to contact committee members.
Senate Bill 357 was originally introduced as legislation to improve school safety. Senator Martha Hennessey (D-5) has drafted a floor amendment that would allow local school boards to prohibit law-abiding adults from being able to defend themselves and their loved ones in school zones, while doing nothing to address criminals who carry firearms illegally.
Please contact committee members today and urge them to OPPOSE Sen. Hennessey’s floor amendment to SB 357 and instead focus on creating legislation that would effectively improve school security!