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California: The Legislature "Gutting and Amending" your Rights!

Friday, March 9, 2018

California: The Legislature "Gutting and Amending" your Rights!


The California Legislature is in full swing and a number of bills have been introduced that could impact your right to keep and bear arms in the Golden State. However, the field of bills that were introduced prior to the bill introduction deadline last month have been rapidly changing over the past couple of weeks as legislators have been amending anti-gun concepts into various bills. 

Earlier this week, Assembly Member Rob Bonta (D-18) “gutted and amended” a bill that is already halfway through the process, a move used on several bills during the “Gunmaggedon” rush of 2016. Assembly Bill 3 up until yesterday pertained to “Crimes: Repeat Offenders and Recidivism Reduction.”  As amended, the bill would raise the legal age to purchase both firearms and ammunition to 21. The bill under its previous subject matter, introduced in 2017 during the first year of the session, has already passed the Assembly and has been referred to the Senate Public Safety Committee where it awaits a hearing date. 

The move to “gut and amend” is being used on other anti-gun bills as well, however many of those bills have yet to be formally amended. Below, find a comprehensive list of bills to support and oppose including bills that are in print form and bills we anticipate to be severely amended. To keep up to date on the latest status of bills as they move through the process be sure to visit www.standandfightcalifornia.com at any time to find an updated bill list. 

Bills to OPPOSE:

Assembly Bill 3, sponsored by Assembly Member Rob Bonta (D-18), would raise the age to purchase firearms and ammunition to 21 years old. AB 3 has passed the Assembly (under a different subject matter) and has been referred to the Senate Public Safety Committee. 

Assembly Bill 1927, sponsored by Assembly Member Rob Bonta (D-18), would direct California’s Department of Justice (DOJ) to “develop and launch a secure Internet-based platform to allow a person who resides in California to voluntarily add his or her own name to the California Do Not Sell List.”  For more information on this issue, please read our article Waivers of Gun Rights: A New Shot at Gun Repression.   AB 1927 is scheduled to be heard in the Assembly Public Safety Committee on March 20

Assembly Bill 2103, sponsored by Assembly Member Todd Gloria (D-78), would add certain requirements in addition to the already mandated training courses for a citizen to obtain a concealed carry license. Currently, concealed carry permit holders are required to receive up to 16 hours training prior to receiving a permit and at least four hours of additional training every two years prior to renewal. AB 2103 is scheduled to be heard in the Assembly Public Safety Committee on March 20

Senate Bill 1200, sponsored by Senator Nancy Skinner (D-9), is a place holder bill.  While nothing is specified in the text, the sponsor has been hostile towards constitutional rights and we expect anti-gun legislation to be amended into this bill at any time.  SB 1200 has been referred to the Senate Rules Committee.    

Senate Bill 1346, sponsored by Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson (D-19), would expand the current prohibition on multiburst triggers to include bump stocks. SB 1346 has been referred to the Senate Public Safety Committee.   

We are expecting the following bills to be amended with ANTI-GUN language: 

Assembly Bill 2382,sponsored by Assembly Member Mike Gipson (D-64), currently pertains to prohibited persons is anticipated to be amended with language similar to AB 1673 (2016), which the Governor vetoed to classify unfinished frames and receivers as firearms.  AB 2382 is pending a committee referral.   

Senate Bill 1100,sponsored by Senator Anthony Portantino (D-25), currently pertains to publicly funded statewide educational organizations. It is anticipated this bill will be amended to raise the minimum age to purchase a long gum from 18 years old to 21 years old as well as limit long gun purchases to one every 30 days. SB 1100 is pending a committee referral.    

Bills to SUPPORT: 

 Assembly Bill 986, sponsored by Assembly Member James Gallagher (R-3), would reduce hunting license fees for veterans. AB 986 was introduced in 2017, has already passed the assembly and is currently pending a committee assignment in the Senate

Assembly Bill 1931, sponsored by Assembly Member Vince Fong (R-34), would allow for concealed carry permits to be valid for a period up to five years. Currently concealed carry permits are generally valid for a period of two years. AB 1931 has been referred to the Assembly Public Safety Committee. 

Assembly Bill 1932, sponsored by Assembly Member Vince Fong (R-34), would require the DOJ to furnish the background check report to the licensing authority within 60 days of receiving the fingerprints and fees. Currently, DOJ is not mandated to complete the check within a specified period like many other mandated background checks performed by the state.  AB 1932 has been referred to the Assembly Public Safety Committee. 

Assembly Bill 1958, sponsored by Assembly Member Sharon Quirk-Silva (D-65), would allow the sale of suppressors by licensed dealers and manufacturers to persons or entities outside of California in accordance with federal law. AB 1958 is scheduled to be heard in the Assembly Public Safety Committee on March 20.  

Assembly Bill 2151, sponsored by Assembly Member Adam Gray (D-21), would help make hunting more affordable for youths by reducing the cost of certain big game tags for youth hunters.  AB 2151 is scheduled to be heard in the Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee on Tuesday March 20. 

Assembly Bill 2733, sponsored by Assembly Member Matthew Harper (R-74), would remove the microstamping requirement for new handguns to be eligible for certification to the handgun roster. AB 2733 has been referred to the Assembly Public Safety Committee. 

Assembly Bill 2860, sponsored by Assembly Member Travis Allen (R-72), would repeal the “roster” requirements for handguns to be sold through firearms dealers. AB 2860 has been referred to the Assembly Public Safety Committee. 

Senate Bill 1092, sponsored by Senator Joel Anderson (R-38), would allow hunting with suppressed rifles and shotguns. SB 1092 has been referred to the Senate Public Safety Committee.  

Senate Bill 1382, sponsored by Senator Andy Vidak (R-14), would authorize locking a firearm in a toolbox or utility box that is permanently affixed to the bed of a pickup truck or vehicle that does not contain a trunk.  SB 1382 is pending a committee referral.   

Please check your inbox and the California Stand and Fight webpage for hearing updates as they become available.   



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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.