This week, the Wyoming Senate amended Senate File 71 to add important protections to the pro-gun legislation. The Senate proceeded to pass Senate File 71, where it will now head to the House for consideration. Likewise, the House passed similar legislation, House Bill 168, which now heads to the Senate. Please contact your state Senator and Representative and strongly urge them to support House Bill 168 and Senate File 71 respectively.
Under Senate File 71 /House Bill 168, a law-abiding citizen would have no duty to retreat from any place where the person is lawfully present before using force to defend themselves. Further, this bill would shift the burden of proof to the state, so the state would have to prove beyond reasonable doubt that a person charged with an offense that involved the use of force against another, did not use that force in self-defense.
It is unreasonable that victims of crime should have to worry about being arrested or prosecuted if they are required to use force to defend themselves or their family. This legislation also provides protection from civil liability and frivolous lawsuits brought against individuals who have used reasonable defensive force to protect themselves or others.
Again, please contact your state Senator and Representative and strongly urge them to support House Bill 168 and Senate File 71 respectively.