Yesterday, Wednesday, March 30, 2016, the Coalition for Civil Liberties announced that The Western State Sheriffs’ Association and the Law Enforcement Action Network (LEAN) have officially opposed Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom’s gun control ballot initiative misnamed the “Safety for All Act of 2016.” The Coalition for Civil Liberties Official announcement is below. The two organizations should be commended for taking this position.
Gavin Newsom is looking to give criminals a break and people are taking notice. Last week, the editorial board of the Orange County Register wrote about his “fancifully titled” proposition, and the next day, the newspaper published an opinion piece by Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney Michele Hanisee (a co-chair for the Coalition for Civil Liberties).
Today, two more important organizations voiced their opposition to Newsom’s ballot initiative. The Western State Sheriffs’ Association represents Sheriffs and their command staff across 15 states. It’s a big deal to see an organization with such a huge constituency paying close attention to what happens in one state, and it says a lot about the danger our law enforcement officials see in Newsom’s plan.
Also critical of Newsom’s initiative is the Law Enforcement Action Network (LEAN), a national non-profit organization that fights against policies that favor criminals at the expense of the police and the public. LEAN’s advocacy on behalf of our police officers ensures critical decisions affecting our safety are made by frontline officers and prosecutors – not self-serving politicians like Newsom.
Newsom’s campaign continues to use scare tactics to confuse well-intentioned Californians into gun control measures that don’t do anything to stop crime or terrorism. We need your help to set the record straight. Please join us by:
- Donating to the campaign. Newsom is collecting checks from his Hollywood celebrity friends, some as big as $250,000. Help us catch up with a donation.
- Following us on social media. Share our content and engage every gun owner you know before it is too late. We’re on Facebook and Twitter.
- Spreading the word at your local clubs, ranges, stories and places of worship. There are excellent resources on our website at Print them out and share them wherever you can.
- Registering to vote for the June primary and November general elections. Make it easy and vote by mail. Learn more about the requirements here.
- Reporting fraud by signature gatherers. We’ve heard some of the people collecting signatures for Newsom’s proposition are distorting the truth. If you see fraud, report it to Secretary of State’s Elections Division at (916) 657-2166 or email us at
Thank you for your support!