Tomorrow, March 25th, the California Senate Public Safety Committee has scheduled a public hearing on several firearm related bills. Starting at 9:30am, the Committee will hear testimony on the following:
Senate Bill 15 imposes additional administrative hurdles and fees on California’s licensed firearms dealers and authorizes fines of up to $1000 for technical violations. This bill is an obvious attempt to drive dealers out of business for inconsequential violations.
Senate Bill 248 would require the Department of Justice to send a letter to certain specified firearm transferees notifying them of the "risks of firearm ownership", how to file for a Gun Violence Restraining Order, and information about domestic violence, among others. This letter will serve as nothing more than anti-gun propaganda paid for by taxpayers through the Dealer’s Record of Sale Account.
Senate Bill 320 directs California’s Department of Justice (DOJ) to develop and launch a system to allow a person who resides in California to voluntarily add his or her own name to the California Do Not Sell List. Individuals that add their name to the list would be prohibited from purchasing firearms for a minimum of 14 days, after which they could request to have their name removed from the database.
Please stay tuned to and your email inbox for additional updates on these bills and other legislation impacting your Second Amendment rights.