Tomorrow, the Iowa State Senate is scheduled to vote on House File 2279, the Hearing Protection Act. It is critical that you contact your state Senator immediately and politely urge him or her to SUPPORT HF 2279! Please click the “Take Action” button below to contact your state Senator with your support!
As previously reported, HF 2279 would allow for the sale, use and possession of firearm suppressors in Iowa. The fact is that Iowa is way behind other states in allowing the possession and use of suppressors. Forty-one states allow possession of suppressors, while thirty-eight of those states allow for their use while hunting.
Suppressors help increase accuracy by reducing felt recoil and shot “flinch.” Beginners to shooting sports adhere to a quicker learning curve on average because the muffled sound equates to increased focus and concentration on proper shooting mechanics. Most importantly, suppressors reduce shooters’ risk of hearing damage, which can occur when discharging a firearm without the proper hearing protection. In addition, suppressors can help reduce noise complaints from neighbors, particularly in more densely populated areas.
With your help, suppressors could become legal in The Hawkeye State. Once again, please click the “Take Action” button above to contact your state Senator in SUPPORT of House File 2279!