Yesterday, the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a pro-gun amendment to Chapter 684 of the county’s Codified Ordinances, Weapons and Explosives, which regulates the lawful use and discharge of firearms within the unincorporated areas of Loudoun County.
Previously, the discharge of firearms was prohibited, except for certain hunting activities, in several parts of Loudoun County. This amendment to Chapter 684.03 now expands areas where the shooting of sporting clays is allowed in the county by updating current law to protect the outdoor shooting of sporting clays in addition to hunting activities that are already protected. The proposed subsection reads: “Nothing herein shall prohibit the outdoor shooting of sporting clays, subject to other applicable laws and regulations.”
This amendment was essential for the protection of sportsmen in Loudoun County, and the NRA thanks the Board of Supervisors for unanimously approving the amendment. Also, thank you to all members who contacted the county Board Chairman and your county Supervisor to encourage them to vote to protect your right to participate in sporting clays shooting in Loudoun County.