Please Contact Members of the Courts of Justice Committee Today!
This Monday, February 4, the Senate Courts of Justice Committee is scheduled to hear a number of firearms-related bills, all of which would further enhance and protect our Second Amendment freedoms. Senate Bill 476, sponsored by Senator Emmett Hanger (R-24) would allow concealed carry permit holders to carry in restaurants, provided they do not consume alcohol. Currently, 33 states allow for concealed carry permit holders to carry in restaurants, and to date, not a single state has repealed its statute. Virginia’s law-abiding permit holders deserve the same protections and ability to defend themselves. Moreover, any restaurant owner would still maintain the ability to post his or her property to prohibit firearms.
Senate Bill 436, sponsored by Senator Jill Vogel (R-27), would allow for law-abiding citizens to have a concealed firearm in their car or boat, provided it is stored in a locked container.
Finally, the committee will likely hear several bills that would ensure that concealed carry permit holders will not have their personal information released to the public. These measures are in direct response to an incident that took place last March when the Roanoke Times newspaper irresponsibly posted a database containing the names, addresses and other personal information of more than 135,000 law-abiding concealed carry permit holders on its website. Not only was this reckless act a gross invasion of privacy, it was also a dangerous threat to public safety.
SB332 sponsored by Senator Ken Cuccinelli (R-37)
SB529 sponsored by Senator Ed Houck (D-17)
SB730 sponsored by Senator Ralph Smith (R-22)
SB759 sponsored by Senator Frank Ruff (R-15)
Please contact the members of the Senate Courts of Justice Committee and strongly encourage them to support the following bills: SB476, SB436, SB332, SB529, SB730, and SB759
Senator Henry Marsh III (D-16) (Chairman)
(804) 698-7516
email: [email protected]
Senator Richard L. Saslaw (D-35)
(804) 698-7535
email: [email protected]
Senator Kenneth W. Stolle (R-8)
(804) 698-7508
email: [email protected]
Senator Frederick M. Quayle (R-13)
(804) 698-7513
email: [email protected]
Senator Thomas K. Norment, Jr. (R-3)
(804) 698-7503
email: [email protected]
Senator Janet D. Howell (D-32)
(804) 698-7532
email: [email protected]
Senator L. Louise Lucas (D-18)
(804) 698-7518
email: [email protected]
Senator John S. Edwards (D-21)
(804) 698-7521
email: [email protected]
Senator W. Roscoe Reynolds (D-20)
(804) 698-7520
email: [email protected]
Senator Linda T. Puller (D-36)
(804) 698-7536
email: [email protected]
Senator Ken T. Cuccinelli (R-37)
(804) 698-7537
email: [email protected]
Senator Mark D. Obenshain (R-26)
(804) 698-7526
email: [email protected]
Senator Ryan T. McDougle (R-4)
(804) 698-7504
email: [email protected]
Senator R. Creigh Deeds (D-25)
(804) 698-7525
email: [email protected]
Senator Robert Hurt (R-19)
(804) 698-7519
email: [email protected]