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On Tuesday, January 29, a proposal to allow concealed carry permit holders to carry in most public buildings (SB356) was narrowly defeated by the Indiana Senate. Despite efforts by the bill’s sponsor, NRA Board of Directors Member Senator Johnny Nugent (R-43), and numerous other pro-freedom Senators, support for this critically important measure failed to reach a constitutional majority. Last minute concerns regarding the application of the proposal seemingly derailed the effort. However, we are continuing to explore what other options may be available to advance similar language during this session. We will continue to keep you informed of any developments.
Also, in an ongoing effort in support of “Families Afield Initiative,” NRA is coordinating with the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance, The National Wild Turkey Federation and the National Sport Shooting Foundation to further increase hunting access and opportunity across the nation. An example of this collaborative effort is HB1046, authored by Representative Larry Bischoff (D-68). HB1046, would establish an “apprentice hunting license” which would allow for novice hunters to join experienced licensed hunters in the field to get a first-hand introduction to Indiana’s proud hunting heritage. HB1046 has already passed the State House of Representatives and now awaits action by the Senate Committee on Natural Resources. Please contact the Senate Natural Resources committee members and strongly urge them to support and vote for HB1046! To find contact information for the committee members, click here or call (317) 232-9400.
Senate Committee on Natural Resources:
Senator Robert Jackman-Chairman
Senator Greg Walker
Senator Ed Charbonneau
Senator Sue Landske
Senator Robert Meeks
Senator Ryan Mishler
Senator John Waterman
Senator James Lewis
Senator Connie Sipes
Senator Timothy Skinner
Senator Richard Young