Your Attendance Is Needed on Monday, August 27!
The California Fish & Game Commission is holding a special meeting, this Monday, August 27, to discuss authorized methods for hunting big game, along with the status of the California condors.
One of the topics listed on the agenda is the subject of non-lead bullets. The California legislature is currently considering Assembly Bill 821, that would ban the use of lead ammunition for hunting in various hunting zones in California that incorporate condor range. There is no proven data that lead ammunition is the cause of the decline of the California condors. It is important that California hunters and gun owners attend this meeting.
To view the agenda for this special meeting, please click here.
This meeting will be held:
Monday, August 27
10:00 A.M.
Resources Building Auditorium
First Floor
1416 Ninth Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Your attendance is crucial to help protect the future of hunting in California.
Please continue to check for updates on this California issue and other firearms related issues around the nation.