Next Wednesday, March 15, the House Judiciary Committee’s Criminal Laws Subcommittee will have a public hearing on H 4473, introduced by Representative Catherine Ceips (R-124).
This legislation will establish an expedited process for issuing an emergency Right-to-Carry (RTC) permit to victims of domestic violence. H 4473 will also require victims be notified of this personal protection option if their request for an order of protection is granted, and will ensure that, should a domestic violence victim obtain an emergency RTC permit, that victim’s personal information cannot be released unless for the purpose of an official police investigation. This will prevent abusers from tracking down their victims by exploiting the current system that allows easy access to personal information regarding RTC permit holders.
This hearing will be held Wednesday, March 15, at 2:30 p.m. in the Blatt Building in Columbia. Please make plans to attend this hearing in support of H 4473. If you cannot attend, please be sure to contact members of the subcommittee and urge them to support H 4473. To find out in which room the hearing will be held, please call the House Judiciary Committee information line at (803) 734-3120.