Several Pennsylvania Sportsmen’s organizations will be holding a “Right to Keep and Bear Arms” Press Conference Tuesday, March 14, from 9:00-11:00 a.m., on the steps of the Capitol Building in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
This event will launch the introduction of several pro-gun measures, including legislation based on the traditional “Castle Doctrine,” which removes the “duty to retreat” if you are attacked in any place you have a legal right to be while granting protection from criminal prosecution and civil litigation for those who defend themselves from criminal attack. The Allegheny County Sportsmen’s League (, in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Sportsmen’s Association, the Pennsylvania Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs (, and other concerned Pennsylvania grassroots gun and sportsmen organizations have cooperated in organizing this event.
For Information, please contact Kim Stolfer, by phone at (412) 221-3346, or by e-mail at [email protected].
Also, State Representative Dwight Evans (D-203), this week was joined by Philadelphia City Council members Darrell Clarke and Donna Reed Miller in announcing House Bill 2483, legislation to gut state preemption and allow local control or regulation firearms.
Speaking in the Council Caucus Room at City Hall, Evans stated that his bill would provide local governments the option of approving an ordinance regulating such topics as:
- restricting areas where firearms may be discharged; limiting or prohibiting possession in areas of municipal or county parks or recreational areas or other publicly-owned grounds;
- regulating the brandishing of firearms or the manner by which a person may carry a firearm;
- regulating firearms in times of insurrection or civil unrest; regulating pellet guns;
- regulating pawn or secondhand shops;
- “limiting the ownership, possession, transfer or transportation of assault weapons within the city limits;
- requiring background checks or waiting periods on the purchase of firearms in addition to that required by state law;
- and, limiting the amount of firearms that may be purchased in a specific period of time or making it unlawful for a person who is not a licensed firearms dealer to purchase more than one handgun with any 30-day period.”
Please call your state Representative at (717) 787-2372 and respectfully ask him or her to oppose this restrictive legislation.