On Wednesday, March 8, several anti-gun bills will be heard by the House Judiciary Committee. Each of these bills poses a real threat to our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Please be sure to call your Delegate this week and voice your opposition to: HB 405 (sponsored by Delegate Doyle Neimann (D-47)), which imposes costly security requirements on gun shops in an attempt to put them out of business; HB 451 (sponsored by Delegate Kathleen Dumais (D-15)), the so-called “Police Officer Protection Act of 2006,” which actually aims to make criminals out of law-abiding gun owners who are victims of theft; HB 1367 (sponsored by Delegate Neil Quinter (D-13)), the “Maryland Assault Weapons Ban” of 2006, which prohibits possession of many common semi-automatic firearms; and HB 1369 (sponsored by Delegate Neil Quinter (D-13)), which requires all handguns sold to be equipped with technology that would microstamp the firearm's serial number onto each shell casing fired¾the first step in an attempt to stop the sale of handguns in the State.
Please be sure to call your Delegate next Wednesday and voice your opposition to these anti-gun bills. You can reach your legislator at (410) 841-3000 or at (800) 492-7122.