The House Judiciary Committee is expected to hear H 7114, sponsored by Representative Edith Ajello (D-3), on Tuesday, March 7, in room 205 of the State House, after the House session. This proposal would make it illegal to buy, sell, or transfer more than one handgun in a 30-day period and sets up a centralized handgun registry with the State Police.
Similar laws have been tried in other states, failing miserably in reducing crime. In fact, South Carolina’s law was such a disappointment that lawmakers have since repealed it! Licensed dealers are already required to report multiple handgun purchases to federal, state, and local law enforcement, and Rhode Island already has a one-week waiting period on all firearm purchases and all purchasers must undergo a criminal background check. This legislation is a senseless attack on law-abiding gun owners.
Please contact your lawmakers TODAY and urge them to oppose H 7114! You can call (401) 222-2466 and ask to be connected to your legislator, or you may visit the Rhode Island General Assembly web page at: for additional contact information.