Nebraska Gun Laws
Gun Laws Overview
Permit to Purchase | No | Yes |
Registration of Firearms | No | No |
Licensing of Owners | No | No |
Permit to Carry | No | Yes |
The list and map below are included as a tool to assist you in validating your information. We have made every effort to report the information correctly, however reciprocity and recognition agreements are subject to frequent change. The information is not intended as legal advice or a restatement of law and does not include: restrictions that may be placed on non-resident permits, individuals under the age of 21, qualifying permit classes, and/or any other factor which may limit reciprocity and/or recognition. For any particular situation, a licensed local attorney must be consulted for an accurate interpretation. YOU MUST ABIDE WITH ALL LAWS: STATE, FEDERAL AND LOCAL.. |
Castle Doctrine | No Law |
No-Net Loss | No Legislation |
Right to Carry Confidentiality | Provisions Enacted |
Right to Carry in Restaurants | Partial Ban |
Right To Carry Laws | Shall Issue |
Right To Carry Reciprocity and Recognition | Conditional Recognition |
Right to Keep & Bear Arms State Constitutional Provisions | With Provisions |
Laws on Purchase, Possession and Carrying of Firearms
Handgun means any firearm with a barrel less than sixteen inches in length or any firearm designed to be held and fired by the use of a single hand. MORE |
No state permit is required to possess a rifle or shotgun. MORE |
Reciprocity Nebraska only honors out-of-state permits if the license holder is at least 21 years of age. Non-resident permits are recognized unless a Nebraska resident. Nebraska only recognizes a North Dakota class one permit, a South Dakota enhanced permit, and Iowa Non-Professional Permit. Duty to Disclose Nebraska Statute 69-2440 requires that: (1) A permitholder shall carry his or her permit to carry a concealed handgun and his or her Nebraska driver's license, Nebraska-issued state identification card, or military identification card any time he or she carries a concealed handgun. The permitholder shall display both the permit to carry a concealed handgun and his or her Nebraska motor vehicle operator's license, Nebraska-issued state identification card, or military identification card when asked to do so by a peace officer or by emergency services personnel.
(2) Whenever a permitholder who is carrying a concealed handgun is contacted by a peace officer or by emergency services personnel, the permitholder shall immediately inform the peace officer or emergency services personnel that the permitholder is carrying a concealed handgun.
(4) For purposes of this section, contact with a peace officer means any time a peace officer personally stops, detains, questions, or addresses a permitholder for an official purpose or in the course of his or her official duties, and contact with emergency services personnel means any time emergency services personnel provide treatment to a permitholder in the course of their official duties.
Cities and towns may not regulate lawful concealed carry in compliance with the Concealed Handgun Permit Act. MORE |
Antiques and Replicas
Antique handgun or pistol means any handgun or pistol, including those with a matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap, or similar type of ignition system, manufactured in or before 1898 and any replica of such a handgun or pistol if the replica (a) is not designed or redesigned for using rimfire or conventional centerfire fixed ammunition or (b) uses rimfire or conventional centerfire fixed ammunition which is no longer manufactured in the United States and which is not readily available in the ordinary channels of commercial trade. A certificate and instant check are not required to transfer an antique handgun. |
Machine Guns
A machine gun is any firearm that shoots automatically more than one shot, without manual reloading, by a single function of the trigger. State law prohibits the transportation or possession of any machine guns. The prohibition does not apply to peace officers, members of the armed forces or persons qualified under the provisions of federal law relating to machine guns. |
Range Protection
Any range meeting the state shooting range performance standards may continue operation without regard to any regulation, law, ordinance or rule that is enacted. MORE |
It is unlawful to knowingly possess, receive, sell, or lease any firearm from which the manufacturer’s identification mark or serial number has been removed, defaced, altered, or destroyed. It is also unlawful to intentionally remove, deface, cover, alter, or destroy the manufacturer’s identification mark or serial number or other distinguishing numbers on any firearm. MORE |
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Wednesday, January 8, 2025
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Friday, April 19, 2024
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Wednesday, March 20, 2024
On Wednesday March 20, the legislature revived Legislative Bill 1339, allowing teachers and staff the ability to carry on ...
Friday, March 1, 2024
A number of firearm related bills are on the move in the Nebraska Unicameral Legislature, including permit-to-purchase repeal ...
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Tomorrow, February 22nd, Legislative Bill 883, legislation that repeals the firearm permit-to-purchase requirement in Nebraska is scheduled to be heard in ...
Friday, February 2, 2024
On Thursday, February 8th, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing for Legislative Bill 1269. This critical piece ...