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NRA-ILA: Institute for Legislative Action


The King of Gaffes Retains His Crown
The King of Gaffes Retains His Crown
After the Las Vegas, Nev. Democrat Presidential debate, where New York City billionaire Michael Bloomberg made his embarrassing debut on the stage, many expected the Charleston, S.C. debate to be another debacle. They were not disappointed.
Bloomberg’s Debate Bloopers
Bloomberg’s Debate Bloopers
Joe Biden isn’t the only presidential candidate having uncomfortable verbal lapses. One of the more telling moments of the tenth Democratic presidential primary debate on February 25th occurred when former NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg put his mouth where his money is, blurting out that in 2018, he had “bought” Democrats their majority in the House of Representatives.  
Politifact Gets is Wrong Again and Again on So-called “Universal” Background Checks
Politifact Gets is Wrong Again and Again on So-called “Universal” Background Checks
The so-called “fact-checkers” at Politifact (a project of the Poynter Institute) continue to provide cover for one of the gun control effort’s most ridiculous talking points. These self-appointed arbiters of reality would have you believe that it is “True” when anti-gun advocates and politicians claim that the overwhelming majority of Americans support the criminalization of private firearms transfers - often sold to the public as “universal background checks.” In order to support their incorrect conclusion, these dubious truth seekers systematically avoid the best data on the subject - actual election results in states where this policy has been on the ballot.
Bloomberg Pays for the Same Anti-Gun Article (on Free Data) Twice
Bloomberg Pays for the Same Anti-Gun Article (on Free Data) Twice
Francis Wilkinson at Bloomberg Opinion took a brief analysis published by The Trace, juiced it up with some more direct “guns are bad” language, added a lengthy quote from yet another Bloomberg personality, and repackaged it as an op-ed. Does Bloomberg know he’s paying for the same article twice?
Aloha to Freedom: Hawaii Lawmakers Push Severe Ammo Restrictions
Aloha to Freedom: Hawaii Lawmakers Push Severe Ammo Restrictions
In the last year, gun owners across the U.S. have watched in horror as California has rolled out its byzantine and unworkable ammunition restrictions. Since July 1, 2019, gun owners in the Golden State have been required to undergo a background check each time they purchase ammunition. The program has been a disaster. In December, the Sacramento Bee reported that tens of thousands of law-abiding Californians have been improperly denied ammunition purchases under the program, while only 101 were prohibited persons who were rejected. According to the report, “[b]etween July 1 and November, nearly one in every five ammunition purchases was rejected by the California Department of Justice.”


Alabama Alabama
Alabama: We Need Your Help to Pass Lifetime Permits in Senate Judiciary!
Alabama: Sheriffs Attempting to Kill Lifetime Permit Option
California California
California: Legislature to Consider Banning Lead Ammo at Shooting Ranges
Florida Florida
Florida: DOJ Study Shows That a "Gun-Show Loophole" Doesn't Exist
Georgia Georgia
Georgia: Carry Permit Reciprocity Heads to House Floor
Hawaii Hawaii
Hawaii: Anti-Gun Bills Continue to Move Through the Legislature
Iowa Iowa
Iowa: House Passes Range Protection & Preemption Bill
Minnesota Minnesota
Minnesota: House Passes Pair of Anti-Gun Bills to the Senate
Nebraska Nebraska
Nebraska: Gun Control Bills Fail to Advance before Deadline
New Jersey New Jersey
New Jersey: Gun Bills Stall in Senate Committee
Oregon Oregon
NRA Challenges Oregon’s Latest Gun, Magazine Ban
Tennessee Tennessee
NRA Leads Constitutional Carry Fight in TN
Utah Utah
Utah: Three Anti-Gun Bills Die in Committee
Virginia Virginia
Virginia: Senate Passes Anti-Gun House Bills
West Virginia West Virginia
West Virginia: Carry Permit Fee Reduction Moves to Senate Floor
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