On Monday, March 24th, Senate Bill 25-003, the semi-auto ban turned FOID-scheme bill, passed on the House floor by a vote of 36-28-1 with bipartisan opposition. It will now be sent back to the Senate for concurrence with the House amendments.
If the provisions of SB 25-003 weren't clear enough, the proponents of this bill find anything related to the Second Amendment offensive. Leading up to the vote, Representative Ken DeGraaf (R) was forced to remove a pro-2A sticker from his laptop after it was deemed "offensive."
NRA thanks the many steadfast members of the House Republican caucus who fought tirelessly for many hours against this bill. Your service and fortitude is noticed and appreciated. Thank you to every Representative who voted against this bill and to every Coloradan who continues to stand and fight against these tyrannical infringements on your rights!
The fight isn't over yet! As SB 25-003 returns to the Senate, we are presented with our last opportunity to stop this bill in the General Assembly! It is critical for all NRA Members and Second Amendment advocates in the Centennial State to contact your Senator in opposition to SB 25-003! Continue to contact Governor Polis' office at (303) 866-2471 or by email at Governorpolis@state.co.us.
Senate Bill 25-003 creates a "permit-to-purchase" scheme for banned semi-automatic firearm platforms. To be eligible to apply for the "permit-to-purchase," Coloradoans would either need to complete a 12-hour educational course or show proof of a valid concealed carry permit or hunter safety certificate and complete a four-hour firearm education course. The House amendments include, but are not limited to, putting the training requirements and permitting process under Colorado Parks and Wildlife's jurisdiction, and placing burdens on local sheriff's departments.
Additionally, House Bill 25-1238, which places undue restrictions on gun show vendors and organizers, and House Bill 25-1133, which places age restrictions on all ammunition purchases, both passed second reading in the Senate, and are eligible for third reading and a vote. Please continue contacting you Senator and urge them to OPPOSE these bills on the floor!
We can anticipate anti-gun members of the General Assembly will continue their attacks on the Second Amendment. Please stay tuned to the NRA-ILA website and your inbox for future updates as the session progresses.