Today, February 11th, the House unanimously passed Senate Bill 81, clearing the final legislative hurdle before being transmitted to Governor Larry Rhoden's desk for his signature. Please thank your legislators for passing this critical protection for gun owners' financial privacy!
Senate Bill 81 prohibits the assigning and use of firearm and ammunition specific merchant category codes by payment processors. This critical legislation protects gun-owners privacy and ensures that bad actors cannot use credit and debit card transactions to create a gun-registry or block cardholders from making gun-related purchases.
Tomorrow, the Senate is expected to hold a floor vote on Senate Bill 100, expanding concealed carry to college campuses. Additionally, the House Judiciary Committee will also be hearing House Bill 1222, to allow concealed carry permit holders to securely store firearms in their vehicles on school grounds. Please contact your Legislators and urge them to SUPPORT SB 100 and HB 1222 by using the TAKE ACTION button below!
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