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Hawaii: Anti-Gun Bills Pre-Filed as Legislative Session Convenes

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Hawaii: Anti-Gun Bills Pre-Filed as Legislative Session Convenes

Today, January 15th, the Hawaii Legislature began the 2025 legislative session with several anti-gun bills already pre-filed. As in 2024, gun control advocates will continue to push their agenda in Honolulu. Gun owners and sportsmen throughout the state must stay actively involved to defend freedom.

Bills that have been pre-filed or are pending introduction:

House Bills 125, 136 and 138 impose firearm storage mandates, such as requiring firearms to be stored in a locked box, safe or with a trigger locking device. These misguided bills ignore the U.S. Supreme Court decision in D.C v. Heller which argued that storage requirements that prevent gun owners from easily accessing their firearms are unconstitutional.

House Bill 150 prohibits an individual from lending a firearm to another individual, with very limited exceptions. If passed, HB 150 would restrict the loaning of a firearm to another unless the individual already has a firearm permit or possesses a registered firearm, and in the case of rifles or shotguns, the duration of the loan is less than 12 hours.

Senate Bill 174 imposes egregious restrictions on the purchase and possession of ammunition. Under SB 174, individuals would be required to show their firearm registration when purchasing ammunition and would only be allowed to purchase ammunition for their permitted firearms. Possession of ammunition of a caliber that is different from your registered firearm would be a criminal offense. SB 174 would also require a license to sell or transfer ammunition.

Senate Bill 128 removes an individual’s constitutional right to keep and bear arms for the conviction OR mere prosecution of trespassing on agricultural land. Due process limits restrictions on constitutional rights to only serious convictions—SB 128 removes a constitutional right for a petty misdemeanor offense and doesn’t even require a conviction. 

Senate Bill 308 expands Hawaii’s existing ban on detachable magazines capable of accepting more than 10 rounds to all firearms, not just for pistols. A violation of the magazine ban, under current law, is punishable by up to five years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines if the magazine is found inserted into a firearm.

Additional anti-gun bills are expected to be filed now that the session is underway. Your NRA will continue to fight to promote and protect your right to keep and bear arms and hunting heritage. Our members remain the most powerful political force in American history, and together, we will secure the Second Amendment for present and future generations.

Please continue to check www.NRAILA.org and your email inbox for NRA-ILA alerts on the latest action items. NRA-ILA will keep you updated on Second Amendment and hunting-related legislation.

Just One More Step: Australia’s New Weapon Laws


Monday, March 24, 2025

Just One More Step: Australia’s New Weapon Laws

Australia implemented a firearm ban and mandatory confiscation in 1996 pursuant to the National Firearms Agreement, in which nearly 700,000 privately-owned firearms were turned in to the government and destroyed. 

Trump Administration Revives Federal Firearm Rights Restoration Provision


Friday, March 21, 2025

Trump Administration Revives Federal Firearm Rights Restoration Provision

On March 20, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) published an interim final rule entitled, Withdrawing the Attorney General’s Delegation of Authority. That bland title belies the historic nature of the measure, which is aimed at reviving ...

House Judiciary Committee Prepares to Advance Key Second Amendment Legislation


Friday, March 21, 2025

House Judiciary Committee Prepares to Advance Key Second Amendment Legislation

The House Judiciary Committee, led by Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH-04), is planning to hold a legislative markup on March 25, 2025 at 10 am EST.  The Committee will be considering several bills during this markup, two ...

NRA Applauds Governor Youngkin for Vetoing Two Dozen Anti-Second Amendment Bills


Second Amendment  

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

NRA Applauds Governor Youngkin for Vetoing Two Dozen Anti-Second Amendment Bills

Yesterday, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin reaffirmed his support for the rights of law-abiding gun owners by vetoing two dozen bills that would have trampled on the Second Amendment freedoms of the citizens of the Commonwealth. ...

North Carolina: Permitless Carry Bill Passes Senate

Friday, March 21, 2025

North Carolina: Permitless Carry Bill Passes Senate

Yesterday, Senate Bill 50 (S50), the permitless carry bill passed favorably out of the full Senate with amendments. The bill will now go to the House where it will be assigned to a committee for ...

White House Repeals Unscientific HHS “Advisory,” Refocuses Efforts on Criminals


Monday, March 24, 2025

White House Repeals Unscientific HHS “Advisory,” Refocuses Efforts on Criminals

Firearm prohibitionists reacted with anger and outrage last week to learn that the Trump White House had ordered the removal of former Surgeon General Vivek Murthy’s anti-gun tract, Firearm Violence: A Public Health Crisis in America, from the official Department of ...

Canada: A Fresh Gun Ban as Trudeau Exits


Monday, March 17, 2025

Canada: A Fresh Gun Ban as Trudeau Exits

Just three months ago, Canada’s Liberal government announced that an additional 324 so-called “assault-style” firearms had been added to the list of banned guns established under then-Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in 2020.

Reported Israeli Gun Owner Data Leak Exposes Danger of Registries


Monday, March 24, 2025

Reported Israeli Gun Owner Data Leak Exposes Danger of Registries

According to a recent report from Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Iranian-linked hackers were able to penetrate Israel’s databases containing sensitive gun owner data and leaked the information online in early February.

New Mexico: Sweeping Gun Ban Added to Committee Agenda for Tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

New Mexico: Sweeping Gun Ban Added to Committee Agenda for Tomorrow!

Today the Senate Finance Committee added SB 279, a sweeping gun ban, on tomorrow’s committee agenda. NRA members and gun rights supporters are encouraged to contact the committee NOW and tell them to vote NO on SB ...

Colorado: FOID Bill Passes Second Reading, Final House Vote on MONDAY!

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Colorado: FOID Bill Passes Second Reading, Final House Vote on MONDAY!

On Friday, March 21st, Senate Bill 25-003, the semi-auto ban turned FOID-scheme bill, passed on second reading in the House. It has been scheduled for its third reading and FINAL VOTE on the House floor on MONDAY, MARCH ...


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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.