Also, Keep Contacting Your House Members in Opposition
to Extreme Gun Control Measures Awaiting Floor Debate!
Dear Second Amendment Supporters:
There is a lot to unpack here with just over a week left in the 30-day legislative session. You have done a tremendous job so far contacting your state lawmakers in opposition to these draconian measures. Keep up the pressure until February 15!
Originally scheduled for Monday, the Senate Judiciary Committee will now hold a public hearing on House Bill 129 on Wednesday, February 7, at 1:30pm (or ½ hour after the Senate adjourns from its floor session) in Room 321 of the State Capitol. This is the last opportunity for you to speak against this legislation before it heads to the Senate floor.
HB 129 mandates a 7-day waiting period on any gun buyer who clears a background check to purchase a firearm, including concealed handgun licensees. This legislation won't impact crime or impulsive acts of self-harm, it will only unnecessarily delay your ability to exercise your right to purchase and own firearms for any number of reasons, including personal protection. Here's what the New Mexico Firearms Industry Association has to say about HB 129.
To attend the committee meeting via zoom webinar, click the following link: or call 1 (253) 205-0468.
Webinar ID: 815 0254 3362
You may also submit written comments opposing HB 129 (up to 300 words) to committee members in advance of the hearing by emailing them to
Please make plans to attend Wednesday's hearing in-person or via Zoom. It is also critical that you contact your State Senators and urge them to OPPOSE both HB 129 and SB 69, the Senate's 14-day version of waiting period legislation still awaiting debate and a vote by the full New Mexico Senate!
Also on Wednesday, the Senate Health & Public Affairs Committee is expected to hold a public hearing on Senate Bill 204, which would enshrine anti-gun governor Michelle Lujan Grisham's ban on possessing firearms in public parks and playgrounds, into law – even though these same restrictions are currently being litigated. This committee will also meet at 1:30pm (or ½ hour after the Senate adjourns from its floor session), in Room 311 of the State Capitol. The zoom link for the committee hearing is not yet posted, but it should be available later today by clicking on "Senate Committee Schedule" at this link:
In the meantime, please contact members of the committee and urge them to OPPOSE Senate Bill 204.
Lastly, House Bill 114 (encourages reckless lawsuits that will bankrupt the firearms industry), House Bill 127 (bans the possession and purchase of any semiautomatic firearm by anyone under 21), and House Bill 137 (anti-gun governor Michelle Lujan Grisham's gun registration scheme for your commonly-owned semiautomatic handguns & rifles and ban on 10+ round magazines) are all still awaiting debate and a vote by the full New Mexico House of Representatives. It is imperative that you contact your State Representatives and urge them to OPPOSE these radical gun control measures!