This week, the New Hampshire House is expected to hold floor votes on two anti-gun bills. Please act now and urge your State Representative to OPPOSE House Bills 1096 and 1668!
House Bill 1096 imposes bans on the open carry of firearms within 100 feet of a polling place. These arbitrary bans are simply anti-gun virtue signaling that only affect law-abiding citizens, dictating how they must exercise a constitutional right, while doing nothing to improve public safety.
House Bill 1668 requires background checks for the commercial sale of firearms, already mandated under federal law. This duplicative and unnecessary legislation is simply a first-attempt to enact so-called “universal background checks” for the purchase of firearms in New Hampshire. The bill would do nothing to improve public safety and its effectiveness would depend on requiring gun registration.
Again, please contact your State Representative and ask them to OPPOSE House Bills 1096 and 1668!
Don’t forget to forward this message to your family and friends and urge them to fight to protect the Granite State and our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.