On Wednesday, April 21, the Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety will hold a public hearing on Legislative Document 759, which is unnecessary, overly broad, and impairs the ability of law-abiding Mainers to access firearms in their homes to defend themselves and their families. Please act now! Contact members of the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee and ask them to OPPOSE LD 759.
Legislative Document 759 is a superfluous bill that places unnecessary risk and burden on law-abiding gun owners in their own homes. The measure unnecessarily amends the statute governing reckless endangerment of a child, when current law already regulates access to firearms by minors, and the corresponding responsibilities of adults. LD 759 is so overly-broad that it even risks entrapping law abiding individuals who find and report an abandoned firearm, even though they had no previous possession of the firearm.
These “one-size-fits-all” storage laws impair the ability of law-abiding Mainers to access their firearms when they need them the most. The central component of the right to use firearms in defense of one’s home and loved ones, is actually being able to use them immediately in a self-defense situation.
Again, please contact members of the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee and ask them to OPPOSE LD 759. NRA Members and Second Amendment supporters are also encouraged to testify or submit written testimony. You must be signed-up to testify remotely, 30 minutes prior to the start of the hearing.