Yesterday, the Minnesota House of Representatives passed anti-gun carryover legislation from 2019, House File 8 and House File 9. Both bills now head to the Minnesota Senate for further consideration. NRA Members and Second Amendment supporters need to take action and remain vigilant this session. Anti-gun lawmakers are going to try to rush these gun control measures through the process with little time for public input. Please contact your State Senator and urge them to OPPOSE House File 8 and House File 9.
House File 8, sponsored by Rep. Dave Pinto (DFL-64B), bans the sale or transfer of firearms between private individuals without first paying fees and obtaining government permission. Firearm sales between friends or neighbors would not be exempted.
House File 9, sponsored by Rep. Ruth Richardson (DFL-52B), allows for a chief law enforcement officer or designee to petition the court for an ex parte order to remove an individual’s Second Amendment rights without due process. Constitutional rights should only be restricted with sufficient due process of law. The Right to Keep and Bear Arms should not be treated as a second-class right and should only be restricted when sufficient protections are in place.
It is important that you please contact your state senator and urge them to OPPOSE House File 8 and House File 9.