On Wednesday, February 19th, the New Hampshire House of Representatives is scheduled to have floor votes on a number of anti-gun bills. Each of these bills restrict our Second Amendment rights, while doing nothing to prevent violent crime. Your state Representatives need to hear from you!
Please click the “Take Action” button below to contact your state Representative and urge them to OPPOSE House Bills 1379, 1101, 1350, and 1509.
House Bill 1379-FN bans the private transfer of firearms, with limited exemptions. This bill requires private individuals to pay for background checks through Federal Firearm Licensed (FFL) Dealers and obtain government permission before selling, gifting, or exchanging their firearms with friends, neighbors, fellow hunters, or extended family members.
House Bill 1101-FN as amended, delays Second Amendment rights by imposing a three-day waiting period before an individual may receive a firearm that they lawfully purchase, with limited exemptions. There is no evidence that waiting periods have any impact on public safety. This denies someone the ability to buy a firearm for urgent self-defense needs unless they get permission from law enforcement, or obtain a valid restraining order.
House Bill 1350 mandates that any firearm transfer, including temporary transfers, have to include a firearm safety device. As drafted, this creates absurd outcomes, such as requiring a gun lock or safe to be included when someone simply borrows a firearm at the shooting range or while out hunting.
House Bill 1509 creates an emergency threat protection order for individuals at post-secondary institutions through a complex, bureaucratic scheme for situations that can already be addressed under existing mental health laws. This legislation does not require any mental health treatment for an individual after an order is issued. Existing state law provides better options for individuals to get the treatment they need.
Again, please click the above “Take Action” button to contact your state Representative in OPPOSITION to House Bills 1379, 1101, 1350, and 1509.