Yesterday, the Senate gave notice that House Bill 720 could be voted on as early as today, April 5th. Additionally, the House passed Senate Bill 600, which now heads to the Senate where it will be eligible for a concurrence vote. Please contact your state Senator and urge them to OPPOSE SB 600 and HB 720. Click the “Take Action” button below to contact your state Senator.
Senate Bill 600, introduced by Senator Clarence Nishihara (D-17), would raise the minimum age to transport a firearm into the state to the age of 21. By raising the age for firearm importation, persons who have lawfully acquired firearms outside of Hawaii who are traveling to the state for purposes of hunting, target competition, or even relocating would be discriminated against based on their age and denied their constitutional rights. SB 600 was passed with amendments by the House on April 4th.
House Bill 720, introduced by Representative Chris Lee (D-51), would set a one-size-fits-all requirement for gun owners to report lost or stolen firearms within 24 hours, further victimizing gun owners who have suffered a loss or theft of their property. HB 720 was passed by the Senate Committee on Judiciary and will be eligible for a vote on the Senate floor.
Again, please click the “Take Action” button above and urge your state Senator to OPPOSE SB 600 and HB 720.