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New York: Legislature Continues Onslaught Against Gun Owners, Passing More Bills

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

New York: Legislature Continues Onslaught Against Gun Owners, Passing More Bills

Senate Democrats and Gov. Andrew Cuomo wasted little time on their march to ban guns in New York State.  Only a few weeks after resuming control of the Senate, Majority Democrats teamed up with anti-gun Gov. Cuomo and the Assembly to pass a package of gun control bills in only two days, with virtually no debate or public hearings.  No gun control bills had been signed into law since the 2013 SAFE Act, but once given the keys to the shop again they immediately started carving up the Second Amendment.

The bills we outlined in last week’s alert all passed along nearly straight party lines.  The key bills passed this week included:

S.1414/A.763 establishes certain crimes relating to the criminal possession or manufacture of an undetectable firearm, rifle or shotgun.  Undetectable guns have been illegal for 30 years.  Federal law passed in 1988 makes it unlawful to manufacture, import, sell, ship, deliver, possess, transfer, or receive an undetectable firearm.  This legislation essentially bans 3-D printing of firearms.  Again, there is zero evidence that criminals are using this expensive and complicated technology to manufacture firearms that are used in the commission of crimes.

S.2374/A.2690 extends the waiting period of NICS holds to 30 days.  Under current federal law, if a NICS check comes back inconclusive, dealers have three additional days before they can complete the transfer.  Someone who happens to have a common name like John Smith, is now forced to wait a full month.  This bill will have disastrous and potentially deadly consequences for some, including women who want to purchase a firearm to protect themselves against domestic abusers.

S.2448/A.2684 prohibits the possession, manufacture, transport and disposition of “rapid-fire” modification devices.  This bill is poorly written and would ban a variety of legal firearm accessories, including many competition or aftermarket triggers.  It is also completely redundant and unnecessary as many of the covered accessories are already illegal under federal and state law.  Again, this is nothing more than political pandering and will do nothing to enhance public safety.

S.2450/A.2686 relates to requirements for the safe storage of rifles, shotguns and firearms.  This mandatory storage law would do nothing more than render firearms useless in self-defense situations.  Criminals love this bill as it tips the scales in their favor in self-defense situations.

S.2451/A.2689 establishes extreme risk protection orders as a court-issued order of protection prohibiting a person from purchasing, possessing or attempting to purchase or possess a firearm, rifle or shotgun.  NRA opposes this legislation because it does not contain strong due process protections for respondents who could potentially lose the Second Amendment rights.  This legislation is perhaps one of the more dangerous in the package as it would become a widely used instrument to take away someone’s constitutional rights with little or no due process.   

Tuesday’s brief debate was striking in that both the Governor and Senate Majority Democrats indicated this was “a good first step.”  Incredibly these comments completely ignore the fact that New York has some of the most draconian gun laws in the country, and the notion that they have only taken baby steps is disingenuous and laughable.  It also signals that they potentially have more in store now that they enjoy complete, unchecked power.  This is why it is absolutely essential that lawmakers hear from gun owners now.  Without strong opposition, they will only continue to push for more.  NRA-ILA has been actively lobbying against these bills in Albany, however, we need your support.  Your calls made a difference as Minority lawmakers fought against these bills and voted against them.  They also went on record proposing amendments, however, Senate Democrats ruled that they were not germane in order to block them.  NRA-ILA will continue to exhaust any and all efforts to block gun control in Albany.  

Every gun owner in the state should be contacting their lawmakers immediately!

Please contact your state Senator and Assembly member and respectfully request that they oppose any and all gun control.  Ironically, this wave of legislation comes on the heels of the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent announcement that they will hear a case from New York City and render a decision on the constitutionality of one of the city’s bizarre and punitive gun laws.  New York gun owners simply cannot afford to sit on the sidelines, your urgent help is needed.  Again, please contact your Senator and Assembly member immediately and assist NRA-ILA’s effort in Albany to defeat these draconian and unnecessary gun bills.  

California: Bill to Restrict Self Defense Rights Introduced in Legislature

Friday, February 28, 2025

California: Bill to Restrict Self Defense Rights Introduced in Legislature

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New York Town Bans Gun Stores

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Second Amendment  

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Wednesday, February 26, 2025

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Wyoming: Gun-Free Zone Repeal Goes Into Law Without Governor Gordon's Signature

Friday, February 28, 2025

Wyoming: Gun-Free Zone Repeal Goes Into Law Without Governor Gordon's Signature

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UPDATE: Legislation Introduced to Protect Veterans’ Second Amendment Rights


Wednesday, February 26, 2025

UPDATE: Legislation Introduced to Protect Veterans’ Second Amendment Rights

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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.