On Tuesday, November 27th, the Oxnard City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an interim “urgency” ordinance which would impose a “temporary” moratorium prohibiting any new retail firearm and ammunition businesses from opening in the City.
This is not the first time that a local jurisdiction has sought to limit your ability to purchase a firearm and ammunition under the guise of local zoning initiatives. Anti-gun cities typically try to block new retailers from opening for a period of 45 days and while that initial ban is in place, move to extend the moratorium for the full two years, the maximum period allowed by law.
Firearm retailers are some of the most highly regulated businesses in the state and stores are already lawfully operating in the area. Regardless of the moratorium, these stores would be allowed to continue operation while new stores would be prohibited from opening. The source of these zoning restrictions and moratoriums are often the efforts of anti-gun activist groups wishing to further their agenda to make exercising your Second Amendment rights as difficult and costly as possible.
If you are in the area, please attend the Public Hearing on November 27, 2018 at 6:00P.M. at the Council Chambers, 305 W. Third Street, Oxnard, CA, 93030 to voice your opposition. If you cannot make the meeting, please take a moment to draft an email and/or letter to the City Clerk in opposition to the proposed moratorium. Send your comments to:
Michelle Ascencion
Oxnard City Clerk
300 West Third Street
Oxnard, CA 93030.
You may also email the City Clerk at cityclerk@oxnard.org
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