On Tuesday, July 18, the Massachusetts Joint Committee on the Judiciary is scheduled to consider both H.763 and H.789. Please contact members of the Joint Committee on the Judiciary and urge them to support H.763 and H.789!
H.763 sponsored by state Representative Josh S. Cutler (D-Plymouth), and H.789 sponsored by Representative Paul K. Frost (R-Worcester), are similar bills which would legalize firearm suppressor possession in the Bay State. Both H.763 and H.789 would repeal the current prohibition for the use and possession of firearm suppressors and replace the removed section with a provision that would allow the possession of these devices by law-abiding citizens.
Suppressors provide numerous benefits to the hunters and sportsmen who choose to use them. Most importantly, suppressors can decrease muzzle report to hearing-safe levels and reduce shooters’ risk of hearing damage, which can occur when discharging a firearm without proper hearing protection. Additionally, suppressors help increase accuracy by reducing felt recoil and shot “flinch.” Beginners to shooting sports adhere to a quicker learning curve on average because the muffled sound equates to increased focus and concentration on proper shooting mechanics. Furthermore, suppressors help reduce noise complaints from neighbors, which are frequently used as an excuse to close shooting ranges throughout the country.
Please click the “Take Action” button above to contact the Joint Committee on the Judiciary and urge them to support H.763 and H.789.