The Oregon Legislature is in the final days of session with the constitutional sine die adjournment on July 10th. Between now and adjournment, committees are operating under shortened notice requirements for both public hearings and work sessions. House committees are only required to give a 24 hour notice for public hearings, and are operating under a "post and go" format for work sessions. This means that as soon as the work session is posted they can begin discussing or voting on the bill. The Senate committees are only required to give one hour notice for a public hearing or work session. Legislation can move very quickly during this time with limited opportunity for public input. There are two anti-gun bills that could be scheduled at any time, Senate Bill 719 and Senate Bill 1065.
Your NRA-ILA is at the Capitol and still actively opposing SB 719 and SB 1065. Please stay tuned to your email inbox and for updates on these anti-gun bills.