On April 28th, the Oregon Department of Administrative Services amended their “no firearms” policy. The original policy, announced in January, prohibited state employees from possessing personal firearms in the workplace, and in their personal vehicles during work hours, even if they had a concealed handgun license. This misguided policy left employees defenseless and forced them to choose between protecting themselves during their commutes or being subject to disciplinary action (possibly termination) by their employers.
This policy change mirrors House Bill 3281, introduced by state Representative Bill Post, which was originally introduced as a response to mitigate this anti-gun policy. Under this new policy, state employees who hold a concealed handgun license may now secure their personal firearms in a locked and closed container inside their parked vehicles. While this change corrects part of Governor Brown's misguided policy, she has still left employees defenseless in the workplace by prohibiting law-abiding citizens from possessing a firearm for self-defense.
Stay tuned to www.nraila.org and your email inbox for further updates on legislation that could affect your Second Amendment rights in Oregon.