The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to hear SB 124 and SB 387 on Wednesday, April 5, and SB 378 on Friday, April 7. It is imperative that you contact members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and urge them to OPPOSE these anti-gun bills. Please click the “Take Action” button below to contact the committee members.
Senate Bill 124, sponsored by state Senator Pat Spearman (D-1), would expand the prohibited persons category beyond what is currently covered under federal law. Further, this bill takes away judicial discretion in deciding whether to attach firearms disqualifications to certain protective orders and it complicates the process of removing firearms in the event that a person becomes a prohibited possessor.
Senate Bill 387, sponsored by state Senator Julia Ratti (D-13), would allow for protective orders to remove your Second Amendment rights - not because of a criminal conviction or mental adjudication, but based on third party allegations and evidentiary standards below those normally required for removing Constitutional rights. This order lacks due process as firearms and ammunition are required to be surrendered within 24 hours - long before a hearing may take place.
Senate Bill 378 would establish that a possessor of a valid medical marijuana card is not deemed to be an unlawful user or addicted to a controlled substance under Nevada law. If passed, SB 378 would result in the loss Nevada’s existing background check exemption for those who possess a Nevada concealed weapon permit. Individuals who possess a Nevada concealed weapon license are currently exempt from the federal background check requirement. SB 378 would enable federally prohibited individuals to obtain and maintain a Nevada CCW and would eliminate the ability for a Nevada CCW to serve as an alternative to the Brady requirement.
State issued permits that serve as a Brady alternative allow those with valid permits to forego the required Brady check because they have already been fully vetted and undergone the necessary background checks. Valid Nevada CCWs not only relieve permit holders from the state point of contact check, but also state required fees and unforeseen delays in processing.
Once again, please click the “Take Action” button above to contact members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and urge them to OPPOSE SB 124, SB 387 and SB 378.