As early as tomorrow, the Kentucky state Senate is expected to consider House Bill 417. While being considered in the Senate Veterans, Military Affairs, and Public Protection Committee, pro-gun Senators proposed a Senate Committee Substitute that would make two important changes for concealed carry training in Kentucky. Please contact your state senator and urge them to ADOPT and SUPPORT the Senate committee substitute for HB 417.
The first change would establish parameters for organizations like, but not limited to, the NRA which may train and certify firearms instructors to teach safety courses to concealed deadly weapons permit applicants.
The second change removes a dangerous provision that requires students in a training class to clean their guns in a class setting. This is a potentially hazardous practice in a group/classroom setting, as class members would have difficulty keeping the firearms pointed in a safe direction while cleaning, as they are taught to always do. This change would require a demonstration by the instructor, which is much safer in a group setting.
Again, please contact your state senator and urge them to ADOPT and SUPPORT the senate committee substitute for HB 417.