Tomorrow, January 22 at 10:00 AM, House Bill 1200 will be heard in the House Judiciary Committee. HB 1200 would severely limit your NRA’s ability to communicate with its membership in South Dakota. If enacted, HB 1200 would require the NRA to disclose a list of its members if certain contributions are made to a ballot question committee or used for an independent communication expenditure. These contributions are made so that NRA can inform its membership as well as Second Amendment supporters about legislation or other issues affecting their Second Amendment rights, and HB 1200 seeks to limit that ability.
It is important that you contact the bill author, Speaker of the House G. Mark Mickelson (R-13), and the House Judiciary Committee, and urge them to OPPOSE House Bill 1200.
HB 1200 is in conflict with the First Amendment. It seeks to limit the free speech of organizations like the NRA unless they first disclose their members’ private information in the process. Donors to organizations, regardless of their views on public policy matters, should be free to support causes they believe in without fear of retaliation, harassment, or intimidation by powerful government figures. Because free speech is the right of every American, this legislation must be defeated.
Again, please click the “Take Action” button above to contact both The Speaker of the House G. Mark Mickelson (R-13) and The House Judiciary Committee, and urge them to OPPOSE House Bill 1200.