Currently awaiting a vote on the Senate floor is constitutional/permitless carry legislation, House Bill 262. House Bill 262 is scheduled for second reading tomorrow, February 14, and the final vote could occur very soon. NRA members and Second Amendment supporters are encouraged to contact their state Senator and urge them to support House Bill 262 when it comes up for a vote.
Sponsored by state Representative Bill Harris, HB 262 would allow any law-abiding individual who can legally possess a firearm to carry a handgun for self-defense in Montana without having to obtain a permit to do so. This bill recognizes a law-abiding adult’s unconditional Right to Keep and Bear Arms for self-defense in the manner he or she chooses. Self-defense situations are difficult, if not impossible, to anticipate. Accordingly, a law-abiding adult’s right to defend himself or herself in such situations should not be conditioned by government-mandated time delays and taxes.
On Wednesday, February 15, the Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to consider Senate Bill 99. Sponsored by state Senator Cary Smith (R-27), SB 99 would prohibit the use of any state public funds, personnel, or property to enforce any federal law or regulation that seeks to ban the ownership or possession of firearms or magazines.
Stay-tuned to NRA-ILA email alerts for more updates and information on firearm-related legislation in Big Sky Country.