It is critical you contact your State Senator and State Representative and urge them to support constitutional/permitless carry legislation. Please contact your state Senator and Representative by calling 1-800-372-7181.
Constitutional/permitless carry legislation would allow any law-abiding individual who can legally possess a firearm to carry a handgun for self-defense in Kentucky without having to obtain a permit to do so. This legislation recognizes a law-abiding adult’s unconditional Right to Keep and Bear Arms for self-defense in the manner he or she chooses. Self-defense situations are difficult, if not impossible, to anticipate. Accordingly, a law-abiding adult’s right to defend himself or herself in such situations should not be conditioned by government-mandated time delays and taxes. Additionally, this constitutional/permitless carry legislation would keep the current permitting system in place so individuals who obtain a permit could still enjoy the reciprocity agreements that Kentucky has with other states.
Again, please call 1-800-372-7181 and click the “Take Action” button to contact your state Senator and state Representative. Urge them to SUPPORT constitutional/permitless carry legislation that needs to be heard right away!