The NRA and its state affiliate, the California Rifle and Pistol Association (CRPA), are heavily involved in a number of important legal battles in California that are aimed at protecting, restoring, and expanding the gun rights of Californians. Click here to view a summary of some of the more significant efforts your contributions to the NRA and CRPA have made possible. The NRA and CRPA graciously thank you for your support!
In most cases that the NRA and CRPA fund and litigate, NRA and CRPA are not actually the named plaintiffs in the case. In some cases, the NRA and CRPA contribute by having their attorneys prepare important amicus or “friend of the court” briefs.
If you would like to contribute to these efforts and more, donate to the NRA Legal Action Project today!
Be sure to stay tuned to your inbox and for updates on this issue and many more effecting your rights.