For a limited time only, the official NRA Store is offering a special deal to anyone who downloads the NRA-ILA App! Once the app is installed on your smartphone, you’ll receive a discount code that you can use to buy 1 item, and get a second item 50% off*.
That’s right: Download the NRA-ILA App and get half off a second item at the NRA Store!
This election, ALL Second Amendment supporters must work together to elect pro-gun candidates. Your Right to Keep and Bear Arms depends on it! By downloading the app, you’ll be able to connect with other gun-rights supporters and fight for your rights like never before.
Don’t wait – download it today and get your discount code to the NRA Store!
*Terms and conditions: Discount promo code will be provided to all app users. Promo code will allow individuals to receive 50% off of least expensive item purchased, not just second item selected.