NRA Nevadans for Freedom today unveiled a video that exposes the truth about Nevada's Question 1 gun control ballot initiative. The video highlights scenarios that illustrate how the gun control initiative would cost law-abiding gun owners their time, money, and freedom. Art and Cindi Clark whose son, Branson, was murdered in a 1998 shooting in Reno appear in the video expressing their opposition to the initiative. The couple admonish anti-gun billionaire Michael Blomberg for exploiting victims of crime to push his gun control agenda on law-abiding Nevadans. "Michael Bloomberg does not have permission to hijack my tragedy," says Cindi Clark. "This law would not have prevented what happened to my son." (Watch) Also featured in the video is Nevada rancher and state Sen. James Settelmeyer. He also opposes the initiative saying it would turn ranch hands into criminals for everyday activities on the ranch. "This is a working ranch, and so we have ranch rifles," says Settelmeyer. "And if this passes, an employee will not have the ability to have a ranch gun in their vehicle without first going down and talking to a firearms dealer and then at the end of the day, they'd have to transfer the gun back. It gains nothing." (Watch) Finally, Sheriff Ron Unger of Lander County comes out against the measure, saying, "If a criminal wants to get a gun, he's going to go get a gun, period. What Bloomberg's doing is going to make criminals out of law-abiding citizens." (Watch)
More excerpts from the video: "If you're at a gun range and you want to trade guns, you commit a misdemeanor and the second time it's a felony. I mean, come on!" Art Clark (Watch) "It absolutely disgusts me. As long as I am sheriff, I won't enforce that. I don't have enough deputies to enforce stuff like that." Sheriff Ron Unger (Watch) "They've got their goals set, the goals are to dissarm the United States citizens. And I think they're trying their doggonest to do it." Sheriff Ron Unger (Watch)
NRA Nevadans for Freedom will promote the video on social media as part of its grassroots campaign to defeat Question 1. For more information on how Question 1 will cost Nevadans time, money, and freedom, go to
Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America's oldest civil rights and sportsmen's group. More than five million members strong, NRA continues to uphold the Second Amendment and advocates enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce crime. The Association remains the nation's leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the armed services. Be sure to follow the NRA on Facebook at NRA on Facebook and Twitter @NRA. |