Contact State Senators and Assembly Members IMMEDIATELY
Thirteen anti-gun bills are now on third read and concurrence calendars where votes could possibly take place as early as today, Monday, June 27. Should these bills not come up today they will stay on the calendar until they are brought up on the floor. It is CRUCIAL that you contact state Senators and Assembly Members TODAY urging them to oppose these anti-gun measures.
On Thursday, June 23rd, anti-gun legislators continued to play in the shadows by suspending the Assembly rules to pull several anti-gun bills out of the Appropriations committee and straight to the floor. While no further action was taken, this moved several bills one step closer to Governor Brown’s desk without public participation.
Rather than fight the criminal element, anti-gun legislators would rather continue to erode the rights of law-abiding Californians by making firearm laws even tighter and unworkable. WE MUST send a clear message that more onerous restrictions of our constitutional freedoms, which only impact law-abiding Californians, will not be tolerated.
It is CRITICAL that you contact state Senators using the take action button below urging them to OPPOSE AB 1664, AB 1673, AB 1674, AB 1695, and AB 2607.
Contact state Assembly Members using the take action button below urging them to OPPOSE SB 880, SB 894, SB 1235, SB 1407, SB 1446, AB 156, AB 857, and AB 1511.
Please click here and here to read the background on all of the above mentioned anti-gun bills.
These onerous anti-gun bills will do nothing to reduce firearm crimes nor will they make California safer.
It is important that you forward this alert to your family, friends, and fellow guns owners and sportsmen and urge them to contact state Senators and Assembly Members.