Today, June 6, the Louisiana Legislature adjourned sine die; officially ending the 2016 Regular Legislative Session. The Legislature’s adjournment means that 2016 will go into the books as a year of positive reform for most law-abiding gun owners in the Pelican State. While it is appropriate to celebrate the victories that took place in Baton Rouge this year, it is important to remember that the fight to protect the Second Amendment remains ongoing for nearly half-a-million Louisianans who reside, conduct business, or regularly travel to New Orleans. While the Legislature was busy expanding Second Amendment rights, New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu and the New Orleans City Council were busy scheming to deconstruct many of the positive reforms that have come out of Baton Rouge over the last three decades. Below, your NRA-ILA has provided a summary of all legislative activity that has taken place in Baton Rouge and New Orleans so far this year.
Two important pieces of pro-gun legislation were approved by the Legislature this year. House Bill 142, sponsored by state Representative Blake Miguez (R-New Iberia), was signed by Governor Jon Bel Edwards on May 26, 2016. House Bill 1155, sponsored by state Representative Valerie Hodges (R-Denham Springs), was approved by the Legislature on May 30, and is currently sitting on Gov. Edwards’ desk awaiting his signature. Please contact Governor Edwards and urge him to sign HB 1155 into law.
While this session saw the advancement and ultimate legislative approval of two significant pro-gun reforms, it is important to remember that former NY City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his fearmongering contingent of gun control advocates were also hard at work in Louisiana this session. Although, their three major gun control efforts—House Bills 69, 101, and 959—were effectively defeated, it is a near certainty that their agenda will extend to future legislative sessions and to localities across the state. It is crucial that you let your elected officials know that these efforts are not welcome in Louisiana—not now, not ever. If you have any doubt about their ultimate goals, continue reading what is happening in New Orleans.
On April 22, 2016, anti-gun Mayor of New Orleans, Mitch Landrieu, unveiled a new gun control initiative that—abetted by the City Council—he planned to impose upon the City of New Orleans. Since that day, Mayor Landrieu’s widely panned attempt to violate the rights of law-abiding gun owners has garnered significant negative attention, and rightfully so. Not only do many of the proposed measures violate multiple sections of the Louisiana Code, but Mayor Landrieu, himself, admitted that the most egregious of the initiatives would NOT deter crime but would raise awareness among law-abiding gun owners of their “responsibilities.” Despite all of this, the New Orleans City Council, at Mayor Landrieu’s beckoning, will likely consider these proposals this Summer.
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