The South Carolina Senate is set to adjourn next week, so there is little time left to act on H. 3799. While the bill is on the Special Order calendar, anti-gun state Senator Marlon Kimpson (D-42) is leading the charge to derail this critical self-defense reform. Time is rapidly running out on H. 3799, so it is imperative that you continue to contact your state Senator to act quickly and support NRA’s attempts to amend H. 3799, as well as its final passage.
As previously reported, H. 3799's current form makes an improvement to existing law by statutorily adding Georgia to the list of states whose Right-to-Carry permits will be recognized in South Carolina. This improvement, however, is based solely on the fact that Georgia borders South Carolina, and has nothing to do with establishing uniformity or consistency to South Carolina law. NRA's goal is to have the bill amended to ensure South Carolina recognizes ALL valid permits, which would mean South Carolina would join the majority of other states when it comes to permit recognition.
Attempts to amend H. 3799 and establish a true recognition standard will be difficult, and anti-gun legislators have stated they will do everything they can to oppose efforts to make H. 3799 consistent and fair. Although it seems that these legislators may not object to this bill as it currently stands, why should just Georgia be recognized, but not other states with similar issuing standards? It is important that you contact your state Senator and urge them to support state Senator Lee Bright's effort to amend H. 3799, changing it from the current Georgia-only reciprocity expansion to a true recognition standard. Urge your Senator to oppose all other amendments. It is equally important that you let your Senator know that you would like them to oppose any efforts to block the passage of this critical self-defense bill. Urge them to vote for cloture to end debate on the bill, and oppose efforts to adjourn until this bill passes.
Again, please click the “Take Action” button above to contact your state Senator in support of NRA's efforts to amend and pass H. 3799.