This week, the Missouri Legislature adjourned for its Spring Break recess. Prior to adjournment, staunch pro-gun Chairman Caleb Jones (R-50) of the Select Committee on General Laws voted DO-PASS to move the following pro-gun bills to the House Floor:
House Bill 1468, sponsored by state Representative Eric Burlison (R-133), would allow all law-abiding individuals to carry a concealed firearm anywhere that isn't expressly prohibited by law. HB 1468 would also recognize your right to legally carry a concealed firearm without having to obtain a permit, allowing law-abiding gun owners the ability to better protect themselves and their families.
House Bill 1828, sponsored by state Representative Joe McGaugh (R-39), would allow certain people who have lost their right to possess firearms to have their rights restored under certain circumstances.
House Bill 2057, sponsored by state Representative Mike Bernskoetter (R-59), specifies that except for credit card fees incurred, no additional fee beyond $100 may be charged to process concealed carry permits and allows military members extra time to renew their permits.
The Missouri Legislature will reconvene and resume their work on Tuesday, March 29. Please continue to contact your state Representative and urge them to vote in favor of these critical pro-gun bills.