On Monday, March 14, the Missouri House Emerging Issues Committee is scheduled to hear House Bill 1910 and House Bill 2698 which seek to expand self-defense laws on Missouri’s campuses of higher education. Sponsored by state Representatives Mike Kelley (R-127) and Jered Taylor respectively, HB 1910 /HB 2698 will remove restrictions in state law that prohibit law-abiding Right to Carry Permit holders from being able to protect themselves on college and university campuses.
Missouri Concealed Weapons Permit holders do not present a threat to public safety, as they are one of the most law-abiding segments of the population. These individuals should not be prevented from exercising their right to self-defense simply because they choose to seek a college education.
It is important that you please contact members of the House Emerging Issues Committee and politely urge them to support House Bill 1910 and House Bill 2698.