On Thursday, February 4, H. 4703 was unanimously passed out of the South Carolina House. As previously reported, H. 4703, introduced by House Judiciary Chairman Greg Delleney (R-43) and strongly supported by NRA, seeks to clarify the Protection of Persons and Property Act (South Carolina’s “Castle Doctrine”) to ensure that a defendant who is denied protection from prosecution under this Act is able to immediately appeal such a denial.
The House vote was a unanimous 106-0 on second reading, followed by a unanimous voice vote for third reading. This critical self-defense legislation now moves to the Senate for consideration. Please contact your state Representative and thank him or her for supporting H. 4703.
Also, please be sure to contact your state Senator and urge him or her to support H. 4703, with no weakening amendments, when it comes up for a vote.
As always, please continue to check www.NRAILA.org and your email for alerts and action items as both pro-gun and anti-gun legislation progresses through the South Carolina Legislature.