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Washington: Reminder to Attend the Judiciary Hearing Tomorrow in Olympia

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Washington: Reminder to Attend the Judiciary Hearing Tomorrow in Olympia

Please attend the House Judiciary Committee hearing scheduled for tomorrow, January 21st at 1:30 p.m., to discuss important legislation in Room A of the John L. O’Brien Building.  

Sponsored by anti-gun lawmakers, the four bills below contain boilerplate language from the Obama/Bloomberg playbook.  The proposed measures would only place an undue burden on law-abiding Washington gun owners.

House Bill 1747, sponsored by state Representative Ruth Kagi (D-32), would impose criminal penalties for “child endangerment due to unsafe storage of a firearm" if a “child” (defined as up to age 17) causes personal injury or death with a firearm.  This bill is unnecessary; firearms are at the bottom of the list of items causing injury and/or death to children and in those rare cases where adults are truly negligent, the existing reckless endangerment statute is adequate.  The only purpose of this bill is to single out and demonize firearms in the Washington code.

House Bill 2461, sponsored by state Representative Laurie Jinkins, would allow family members or law enforcement to petition the court to issue an “extreme risk protection order,” taking away someone’s Second Amendment rights without due process. 

House Bill 2372, sponsored by state Representative Tana Senn, would permit law enforcement to destroy firearms that have been seized or forfeited.  Existing law allows local municipalities to sell seized and forfeited firearms to raise money for local public safety.  HB 2372 repeals that opportunity.  This bill was introduced by the same legislator who brought the ammunition tax, a bill that places the blame of criminal activity and violence on her law-abiding constituents.

House Bill 2460, sponsored by state Representative Brady Walkinshaw, would allow local municipalities to ban the possession of firearms in public parks, recreational facilities, libraries and in all public transportation.  Not only would this effectively take away the right of self-defense in these public places, but it would be a huge first step in weakening the preemption statute and opening the door to allow for the local prohibition of firearms.  The preemption statute is put in place to prevent local municipalities from creating a patchwork of complex and confusing gun laws that could ensnare gun owners unaware of the laws.

Also being heard by the House Judiciary Committee is NRA-backed legislation, House Bill 2481.  Sponsored by state Representative Brian Blake, HB 2481 would clarify the current, inadequately-written exemption in Washington law that is intended to allow individuals who are licensed under federal law to manufacture, own, buy, sell, furnish or be in possession of a short-barreled rifles.

It is imperative that members and Second Amendment supporters attend this hearing to strongly oppose these radical anti-gun bills.  If you are unable to attend, please contact members of the House Judiciary Committee and politely urge them to oppose anti-gun legislation and to support HB 2481. 


Also, there is a new sign-in process for testimony. Below are instructions:

For the 2016 session, the House Judiciary Committee is using the electronic Committee Sign-In program. You will experience a shorter and faster waiting period if signing in through your mobile devices. Those wishing to sign-in for a bill may do so on the day of the hearing by: 

  • Using a web-enabled device (laptop, tablet, or smart phone), navigate to https://app.leg.wa.gov/CSI, only while on campus and connected to the Legislature’s WSLPublic wireless internet network; or  
  • Accessing one of the public sign-in kiosks located in the O’Brien Building (west entrance), each House hearing room, the Cherberg Building (main hallway), each Senate hearing room, and the first floor of Pritchard and Legislative buildings. 

A useful feature of the program allows you to create an account that stores your sign-in information and history.  Accounts are only accessible by using a web-enabled device, and are not available at the kiosks.  Accounts are optional.

California: Bill to Restrict Self Defense Rights Introduced in Legislature

Friday, February 28, 2025

California: Bill to Restrict Self Defense Rights Introduced in Legislature

The California legislative session is currently underway and anti-gun lawmakers are once again wrongly focusing on law-abiding citizens instead of focusing on actual criminals.

NRA Files Amicus Brief Urging SCOTUS to Hear Challenge to New York’s “Concealed Carry Improvement Act”

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

NRA Files Amicus Brief Urging SCOTUS to Hear Challenge to New York’s “Concealed Carry Improvement Act”

Today, the National Rifle Association filed an amicus brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to hear a challenge to New York’s “Concealed Carry Improvement Act.”

NRA Statement on President Trump’s Executive Order Protecting Second Amendment Rights


Second Amendment  

Friday, February 7, 2025

NRA Statement on President Trump’s Executive Order Protecting Second Amendment Rights

Today, the White House announced a new Executive Order to protect and expand the Second Amendment rights of all law-abiding Americans. This is the first action taken by President Donald J. Trump to carry through ...

Report: Notorious NYPD License Division Drags its Feet on Bruen Compliance


Monday, March 3, 2025

Report: Notorious NYPD License Division Drags its Feet on Bruen Compliance

Following its landmark loss at the U.S. Supreme Court in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen (2022), which made clear law-abiding citizens have a right to bear arms outside the home for self-defense, New ...

Maine: Progressive Lawmaker Believes There Are No Deer in Northern Maine.


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Maine: Progressive Lawmaker Believes There Are No Deer in Northern Maine.

This week, extreme anti-hunting lawmakers testified to restrict coyote hunting in Maine.

Washington: Gun-Free Zone Bill Passes Senate

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Washington: Gun-Free Zone Bill Passes Senate

On Wednesday, March 5th, Senate Bill 5098 was passed on the Senate floor by a vote of 28-21. It will now be transmitted to the House for consideration.

New York Town Bans Gun Stores


Monday, March 3, 2025

New York Town Bans Gun Stores

For far too long, the Second Amendment could be referred to as the Rodney Dangerfield of the Bill of Rights.  Within many circles of so-called civil rights advocates, it simply got no respect.  

CPRC: The Many Ways Concealed Carry Permitees Enhance Public Safety


Monday, March 3, 2025

CPRC: The Many Ways Concealed Carry Permitees Enhance Public Safety

Amid the push for national concealed carry reciprocity legislation, gun control opponents continue to insist that concealed carrying has no public safety benefits and that lawfully armed civilians simply escalate the risk to first responders and others ...

New Mexico: Semi-Auto Ban Legislation Held Over in Committee Until Friday

Thursday, March 6, 2025

New Mexico: Semi-Auto Ban Legislation Held Over in Committee Until Friday

Yesterday the New Mexico Senate Judiciary Committee met to continue discussions on Senate Bill 279 (GoSAFE). The author did not accept the committee substitute to amend the near all-encompassing ban on semi-auto firearms with equally ...

New Mexico: Semi-Auto Ban Hearing Continued to Wednesday

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

New Mexico: Semi-Auto Ban Hearing Continued to Wednesday

Yesterday evening, Senate Judiciary Committee introduced the language for SB 279, with many voices from the firearms industry, firearms dealers, sportsmen, cattle ranchers, and ordinary citizens made their opposition known in testimony.


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Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the "lobbying" arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.