You’re invited to join the Nevada Department of Wildlife (NDOW) at a town hall meeting nearest you to express your opinions on Nevada’s hunting seasons. NDOW wants your input in the process of reviewing and updating their hunting guidelines. As a Nevada sportsman, you are affected most by these regulations and can provide valuable input. All of the town hall meetings will run from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The schedule of meetings is as follows:
- Monday, November 2 - Reno, NDOW Headquarters, 1100 Valley Road
- Tuesday, November 3 - Las Vegas, Nevada Division of State Parks, 4747 Vegas Drive
- Wednesday, November 4 - Ely, Mt. Wheeler Power, 1600 Great Basin Blvd.
- Thursday, November 5 - Elko, NDOW Office, 60 Youth Center Road
- Friday, November 6 - Winnemucca, Humboldt County Court House, Room 201, 50 W. 5th Street
The Game Division is responsible for developing and presenting hunting recommendations for consideration by the County Advisory Boards to Manage Wildlife and the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commission. The guiding principles used in developing these recommendations have been compiled in the Harvest Management Guidelines for Nevada, which can be downloaded here. If you have specific comments, you can mail them to the Game Division at 1100 Valley Road, Reno, NV 89512, fax them to 775-688-1518, or attend one of the public meetings. Additional information can be found here.
These town hall meetings are open to the public. Please pass this message along to friends, family and sportsmen across Nevada so they can share their opinions and help influence Nevada’s hunting guidelines as well.