Last week, the Fish and Wildlife Commission set new 2015 - 2016 game bird hunting regulations that will benefit sportsmen across Oregon. Most notably, the Commission removed goose check stations and check-in requirements for goose hunters in Northwest Oregon. The NRA applauds the Commission and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) for allowing the Northwest Permit Goose season to continue without these burdensome check stations. Hunters take their responsibilities of differentiating between species and complying with regulations very seriously, and as such, they should continue to be trusted as wildlife managers of the state.
At the end of last season, hunters feared they would lose their Northwest Permit Goose season due to ODFW budgetary restraints and lack of funds for the nine goose check stations. By removing these unnecessary barriers, waterfowl hunters can now enjoy more time in the field and ODFW benefits by saving nearly $200,000.
In addition to removing the goose check stations, the Fish and Wildlife Commission made the following changes:
- Combine the Northwest Permit and Northwest General Zones into a single Northwest Permit Zone
- Increase the bag limit for white geese in the Northwest Permit Zone from four to six
- Increase the canvasback daily limit from one to two
- Set a statewide spring turkey season limit at three turkeys -- increasing the limit for much of the state
- Align the closure dates for quail, chukar and gray partridge seasons in eastern Oregon
- Align forest grouse seasons in eastern and western Oregon by extending eastern Oregon’s season through January 31
- Allow upland bird hunters to leave wing or head on harvested birds as evidence of sex and species
- Open the Beaver Tract of the new Coquille Valley Wildlife Area to bird hunting
The 2015 - 2016 Oregon Bird Hunting Regulations will be available on ODFW’s website by August 15 and the booklet will be available at ODFW offices and license sales agents by August 24.