The U.S. Forest Service has scheduled a second meeting to discuss recreational shooting in the Snoqualmie Ranger District of the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, specifically recreational shooting that takes place along the Highway 410 corridor. The intent of the meeting is to have a general discussion about what is happening with respect to recreational shooting along the corridor, particularly problems with unsafe shooting practices and pressures that the Forest is receiving to close the corridor.
The Forest Service is hoping that the upcoming meeting will encourage shooters to assist them in keeping the Snoqualmie Ranger District open to shooting through clean up events and the promotion of safe shooting practices.
The meeting details are as follows:
Tuesday August 4, 2015 from 6:30-7:30 pm
Department of Natural Resources Building
950 Farman Ave
Enumclaw, WA 98022
Only two individuals who support recreational shooting attended the meeting held May 21. During that meeting, the action items listed below were discussed and they will be on the table at the upcoming August 4 meeting.
- Calendar of quarterly/semi-regular pit cleanup events
- Notice of posted signs, and a regular check on them to make sure they are still standing
- Hard closures of unsafe shooting areas, such as the ridge areas overlooking CRR. Draw more attention to the main pits, with safe backstops.
- Implementation of safety awareness material to the general public (e.g. online videos, etc.)
- Implementation of a volunteer "eyes/ears on the ground" program to report dangerous activities. Maybe set up an email address to receive these, with some sort of a template form. Asking for data like, photos, license plate numbers, etc.
Meeting attendees can contact Martie Schramm, District Ranger, for more information either by or by phone (425) 888-8751.
Keeping the Snoqualmie Ranger District open to recreational shooting is dependent upon shooters engaging with the Forest Service to solve problems associated with recreational shooting. If you recreationally shoot in this District , the NRA strongly encourages you to attend the meeting and offer support in keeping the corridor open to safe shooting.