Earlier this week, Governor Brian Sandoval (R) signed into law Assembly Bill 167, a bill which makes changes to current Nevada law regarding law-abiding gun owners storing and carrying firearms and ammunition on the premises of a family foster home and with foster children. In addition, last week, the Governor signed Assembly Bill 121.
As previously reported, AB 167 would authorize law-abiding gun owners to store firearms and ammunition on the premise of a foster home in a locked secure storage container. Further, it would allow an individual to carry a firearm on their person off the property, in the presence of a child, if they possess a permit to carry concealed. Before heading to Governor Sandoval, AB 167 passed the Assembly with a 26-15 vote and the Senate with a 16-3 vote. AB 167 became effective upon passage and approval.
AB 121, introduced by Assemblymen Jim Wheeler (R-39), John Ellison (R-33) and Brent Jones (R-35), prohibits schools from disciplining certain pupils for simulating a firearm or dangerous weapon or wearing clothes and accessories which depict firearms. AB 121 went into effect on June 5th when Governor Sandoval signed the bill. The bill had previously passed the Assembly with a 24-17 vote and the Senate with a 15-6 vote.
Please contact Governor Sandoval and thank him for signing into law Assembly Bill 167 and Assembly Bill 121.
Governor Brian Sandoval:
(775) 684-5670