Please contact your state Senator and Representative and urge them to oppose Senate Bill 650 and House Bill 7004!
As the legislative session nears an end, those who wish to infringe upon your rights turn to increasingly desperate measures to push their misguided agenda.
Senate Bill 650 went before the senate on Tuesday night, but thanks to your earlier efforts, it was set aside without a vote. Its defeat is not a foregone conclusion. SB 650, in its current form, allows the applicant of an ex parte temporary restraining order to indicate whether the respondent is in possession of any firearms or ammunition or holds a state issued firearms permit or ammunition certificate and to have a sworn police officer serve the order. Upon serving the order, law enforcement would confiscate all firearms, ammunition, firearms permits and ammunition certificates. Because an ex parte temporary restraining order is one where only one party, the applicant, makes a claim and does not have to appear in front of a judge before the order is issued, this will allow for Second Amendment rights to be stripped away without due process of law.
In addition, language from SB 650 has been added to House Bill 7004 in order to provide another avenue through which gun control may be pushed. While these bills have been promoted by proponents as a domestic violence issue and denying that they have anything to do with gun control, the language in the bills tells a different story. By suspending the Second Amendment rights of those who have not been convicted of a crime, this legislation does just that: Take away the fundamental constitutional rights of individuals and casting aside due process. Click the button below to take action now!
These bills may still come up for consideration in the final hours of the legislative session. For that reason it is important that you please contact your state Senator and Representative and politely urge him or her to oppose SB 650 and HB 7004. If you are unsure who represents you, click here.